Hello. This is your club president.

From the President" serves as a platform for sharing personal reflections and insights on various topics aimed at inspiring and motivating readers. As the President, I believe in the power of perspective and the importance of self-reflection in fostering personal growth and development. Through this page, I aim to offer a glimpse into my thoughts on matters ranging from leadership and resilience to gratitude and perseverance.

It's important to note that the views expressed in "From the President" are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or stance of the club. My intention is to spark meaningful conversations and provide a source of encouragement for individuals seeking inspiration on their journey towards success and fulfillment. Together, let's start a journey of introspection and empowerment, drawing strength from shared experiences and embracing the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Go High Flyers!


Are you an agent of change?

16 April 2024

With Ritesh Agarwal,

Founder & CEO of Oyo Group of Hotels

If you believe that you have the courage and the passion to encourage innovation, foster a vision for the future, and empower others to reach their full potential, then you might an agent of change or a transformative leader.

Transformative leadership is a style of leadership focused on inspiring and enabling positive change within individuals, organizations, and communities. Leaders who adopt this approach aim to challenge the status quo, disrupt outdated systems, and create meaningful impact by addressing underlying issues.

I still remember the day when I first encountered its power, tucked away in the cozy corner of a bustling cafe. It was there, over a cup of steaming coffee, that I met Ritesh Agarwal, a transformative leader in his own right. Ritesh, a seasoned entrepreneur, shared his journey of building a sustainable hotel brand called Oyo, from scratch. His vision was not merely to start a new chain of hotels but to revolutionize the industry's approach Through his tireless dedication and unwavering belief in his mission, Ritesh challenged the status quo, inspiring others to follow suit.

Reflecting on Ritesh’s story reminded me of my own transformative journey in a corporate setting. As a young manager, I found myself grappling with the challenges of fostering innovation and collaboration within my team. Though excellent at individual contribution, my team was falling behind on collaboration and communication. There was barely any interaction. Astonishingly, this was a problem that many teams faced on the floor. Although people came to work, there wasn’t much of interaction among employees. The company encourages people to meet and discuss ideas, collaborate towards making products better, but was it happening? I couldn’t see that.

Drawing inspiration from Ritesh’s leadership style, I started a mission to cultivate a culture of empowerment and creativity. I approached my friend, Jessie (co-founder, High Flyers) from a different team, who wanted to help me change this culture. Together, we started a new club called High Flyers, a place where everyone gets to meet, interact, and become as good as the best.

Leaders like Ritesh, remind us that transformative leadership is not just a philosophy but a powerful catalyst for change, shaping the world for the better, one visionary step at a time.

cultivating excellence
The Intersection of Customer Service and Leadership
Collage with Portraits of Happy People on Different Color Backgrounds
Semi Circle Arc
Semi Circle Arc
Semi Circle Arc
Photo by Africa Images

01 April 2024

Someone wise once said, “The customer is King.” For a long time, I couldn’t grasp the meaning of this statement. Why should a business prioritize its customers? So what if I lose one? Or two? Or maybe twenty? I'll get several new ones. But honestly, that was my thought process when I was 13. Now, two decades later, I believe I have a better understanding of what the wise person meant about the customer being king.

When I received my first credit card (from a major financial institution), I was elated. It felt like my net worth had just increased by my credit limit. I spent quite a lot, though I don’t recall the exact amount, but enough to make me anxious about repayment. I paid the minimum due each month. No harm done; I was okay with the monthly and interest charges. However, one day, a customer service representative from the organization called me and spoke to me in a raised voice. Though he was just one person among many in that vast organization, it felt as if the entire organization was addressing me. I felt disheartened by his treatment and promptly paid off the entire due in two installments. I swore never to use their products again, a promise I still uphold.

Customer experience plays a pivotal role in the success of any organization, serving as a cornerstone for building brand loyalty, driving revenue growth, and sustaining long-term profitability. As a leader, recognizing the importance of customer experience entails valuing your customers. First and foremost, prioritizing customer experience cultivates a loyal customer base. When organizations prioritize delivering exceptional experiences to their customers, they establish positive relationships built on trust, reliability, and satisfaction. By consistently exceeding customer expectations, organizations can differentiate themselves from competitors, driving customer loyalty and repeat business. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the brand to others (I never recommended that Financial Organization to anyone who asked my advice), serving as brand advocates and contributing to organic growth through positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Remember Blockbuster, Toys "R" Us, and RadioShack? By the way, they are all closed now. Blockbuster's failure to adapt to changing consumer preferences and deliver satisfactory customer experiences, coupled with neglecting internal employee morale, led to its demise in the face of competitors like Netflix. Similarly, Toys "R" Us struggled with declining sales and customer dissatisfaction due to outdated stores and poor service, exacerbated by internal issues such as employee morale and operational inefficiencies. RadioShack's decline was also attributed to inadequate customer experiences, stemming from unhelpful staff and outdated stores, highlighting the detrimental impact of neglecting both external and internal customers.

On the contrary, Amazon's commitment to customer service has played a significant role in enhancing its stock value and market capitalization over the years. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and investing heavily in customer service initiatives, Amazon has fostered a loyal customer base and differentiated itself from competitors in the highly competitive e-commerce industry.

Good customer service is intricately linked to effective leadership in any organization. It is the responsibility of leaders at all levels to set the tone, establish expectations, and model behaviors that prioritize customer satisfaction. When leaders demonstrate a commitment to customer service excellence, they create a culture where employees understand the importance of meeting customer needs and exceeding expectations. Through clear communication, training, and empowerment, leaders equip frontline staff with the tools and autonomy to deliver exceptional service consistently. Moreover, leaders who foster a supportive and collaborative work environment inspire employee engagement and morale, resulting in motivated teams that are more likely to go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. By championing customer-centric values and behaviors, leaders not only cultivate a positive customer experience but also drive organizational success and competitive advantage in the marketplace.

In conclusion, prioritizing customer experience is paramount for the success of any organization. By valuing both external customers and internal stakeholders, leaders can create a culture of excellence, driving customer loyalty, revenue growth, and long-term profitability. Treating employees as family members fosters a positive work environment where employees are motivated to deliver exceptional service, ultimately benefiting customers and the organization as a whole.

PS. The Financial Organization that I referred to earlier rhymes with ‘Pity Bank’. Ssshh!!

Work Hard, Play Hard

16 March 2024

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

At High Flyers, we believe in both hard work and play. Every week, we hone our communication skills, demonstrate leadership, tackle business case studies, and inch closer to our goals. To reward ourselves, we take to the field for some sports. On the field, the team bonds far more effectively than they do in any conference room.

Effective leaders recognize the importance of work-life balance. They prioritize time with loved ones, personal interests, and self-care. While leadership roles demand significant time and energy, successful leaders understand that a healthy balance is essential for their well-being and effectiveness. Leaders who prioritize work-life balance set a positive example for their teams. They demonstrate that career success doesn't have to come at the expense of personal relationships or fulfillment. They understand that taking time for themselves – hobbies, leisure activities – doesn't just recharge their batteries, but also enhances creativity, productivity, and decision-making.

Quality time with friends and family allows leaders to strengthen bonds, nurture relationships, and create cherished memories outside of work. Whether it's sharing meals, attending events, playing sports, or simply enjoying leisurely activities together, carving out time for loved ones reinforces values like empathy, compassion, and connection – values that positively influence leadership style and organizational culture. Pursuing hobbies and interests outside of work provides leaders with opportunities for relaxation, self-expression, and personal growth. These pursuits offer an escape from the daily grind, allowing them to explore their passions and discover new things about themselves.

Prioritizing self-care is crucial for leaders to maintain physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engaging in activities like exercise, meditation, or mindfulness practices helps reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance resilience in the face of challenges. By taking care of themselves, leaders can show up as their best selves both personally and professionally, leading by example and inspiring their teams to prioritize self-care as well.

Ultimately, effective leaders understand that success in their professional endeavors is intertwined with maintaining a balanced and fulfilling personal life. By prioritizing time with friends and family, pursuing hobbies, and practicing self-care, leaders can cultivate a sense of harmony and fulfillment that enriches both their personal and professional lives.

The Moral Imperative: Upholding Ethical Values in a Changing World

01 March 2024

Ever found yourself with those familiar jitters, questioning a recent action, wondering if it truly resonated with your values? That’s your ethics speaking up. Ethics, our internal compass, guides us through the labyrinth of choices and conduct. It's the subtle nudge towards integrity, prompting us to tread noble paths. Embracing ethics isn't just about deciphering right from wrong; it's about cultivating trust and authenticity within ourselves and our communities.

Many times, I've stumbled upon items at school, in stores, and malls, dropped by someone else. I've often rationalized that perhaps it's a gift from the Gods. If I don't claim it, I might disappoint them, and someone else will steal my blessings. This belief served me well until the day an email arrived addressed to everyone in my school, announcing the loss of a thumb drive. The sender offered to reimburse whoever found and returned it. Guess who discovered the missing thumb drive? Yes, it was me. Honestly, I never explored its contents, but the allure of a sleek 1 TB drive captivated me. Initially, I planned to sell it to fund some PlayStation games. However, upon receiving the email, I found myself in a dilemma. Should I return the thumb drive for the reward, or should I sell it? I ultimately chose the former: returning to the person who sent the email. The recipient's joy upon reclaiming their lost item was palpable, and they insisted on rewarding me with $50. However, an inner sense of fulfillment outweighed any monetary gain, prompting me to decline the offer. Instead, I received a heartfelt hug and gratitude. The unmatched satisfaction of bringing joy to someone far surpassed any financial reward. In that moment, I realized it was ethics guiding me to do the right thing.

Ethics play a fundamental role in shaping the culture, reputation, and long-term success of businesses. In today's dynamic and interconnected global marketplace, consumers, employees, investors, and other stakeholders increasingly expect organizations to uphold high ethical standards in their operations, decision-making processes, and interactions with the wider community. Effective leaders recognize their responsibility in maintaining and promoting ethical values within their organizations, understanding that ethical conduct is not only morally imperative but also essential for fostering trust, driving sustainable growth, and mitigating risks.

At its core, ethics in business encompass principles such as honesty, integrity, fairness, transparency, and respect for stakeholders' rights and well-being. By adhering to these principles, organizations can build trust and credibility, attracting loyal customers, top talent, and long-term investors. Moreover, ethical behavior fosters a positive organizational culture characterized by openness, collaboration, and accountability, where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to uphold shared values and contribute to the organization's success.

Leaders play a pivotal role in championing ethics within their organizations by setting a clear example, establishing ethical guidelines and policies, and fostering a culture of integrity and accountability. They must communicate the importance of ethics consistently and lead by example, demonstrating their commitment to ethical conduct in all aspects of their leadership roles.

Furthermore, leaders have a responsibility to ensure that ethical considerations are integrated into decision-making processes across all levels of the organization. This requires promoting critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and stakeholder engagement to assess the potential impact of decisions on various stakeholders and society as a whole. By prioritizing ethical considerations, leaders can mitigate risks, build resilience, and create sustainable value for all stakeholders over the long term.

Examples from companies like Google and Apple illustrate how a commitment to ethics can contribute to organizational success. Google's famous motto, "Don't be evil," reflects its dedication to ethical behavior and responsible business practices. The company's emphasis on transparency, user privacy, and corporate social responsibility has not only enhanced its reputation but also contributed to its continued growth and innovation. Similarly, Apple's focus on product quality, customer privacy, and environmental sustainability has helped it earn the trust and loyalty of customers worldwide, driving its profitability and market leadership.

In conclusion, ethics are essential for businesses to thrive in today's complex and competitive landscape. Effective leaders recognize their responsibility in upholding ethical values within their organizations, understanding that ethical conduct is not only morally right but also critical for building trust, driving sustainable growth, and creating long-term value for all stakeholders. By prioritizing ethics in decision-making, fostering a culture of integrity, and leading by example, leaders can build resilient and socially responsible organizations that contribute positively to society while achieving their business objectives.

daily dedication

Lessons learnt from the Relentless Runner

15 February 2024

Back in the pandemic, around mid 2020, when everyone was working from home and so was I, sometimes I’d just sit by this window against my desk. The window faces the street, where I could get a glimpse of how good life was before we were asked to stay indoors, in our burrows. One day after my work, I was standing by the window and I saw this woman who was running steadfastly in the quiet rhythm of this new life. Few days later, I saw her again at the same time I saw her last. And then, I realized that she runs everyday around the same time, rain or shine, heat or cold. This woman, committed to running, has become a consistent sight, weaving through the neighborhood with unwavering dedication. In observing her relentless pursuit, one can learn profound lessons that go beyond running itself.

First and foremost, the daily commitment of this dedicated runner serves as a testament to the power of consistency. Regardless of external circumstances, she laces up her shoes and hits the pavement at the same time every day. This unwavering routine reflects the understanding that progress is not the result of sporadic bursts of effort but rather the cumulative effect of small, consistent actions.

Whether faced with scorching heat or biting cold, her commitment to the run remains unshaken, underscoring the idea that success often demands resilience in the face of adversity. Her commitment underscores the importance of discipline. In a world teeming with distractions, maintaining a consistent routine requires a disciplined mindset. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, and she exemplifies the ability to prioritize long-term well-being over immediate comfort.

Moreover, the relentless dedication of this woman serves as an inspiration for goal setting and achievement. By consistently pursuing her passion for running, she sets a tangible example of what can be achieved through perseverance. Her commitment to daily running is a microcosm of the larger journey of life – a journey marked by milestones, setbacks, and the continuous pursuit of personal excellence. It encourages onlookers to reflect on their own goals and aspirations, urging them to take consistent steps toward their dreams.

If one is keen to learn, there are real life lessons always around us. In a society that often glorifies instant gratification, the runner stands as a beacon of patience and long-term vision. She understands that the fruits of her labor may not be immediately apparent, but the cumulative effect of daily runs will manifest over time. Consistency and discipline is the key. I hope her story inspired you in taking the plunge like the way it did for me.

From Garage to global:

power of team collaboration

01 February 2024

Adobe Stock Image

At the heart of every successful endeavor lies the magic of team collaboration. It's the synergy that arises when diverse perspectives weave together, creating a tapestry of innovation and resilience. When individual strengths complement each other, weaknesses are mitigated, and the journey to success becomes faster, smoother, and more fulfilling.

The meteoric rise of Google can be attributed, in part, to Larry Page and Sergey Brin's commitment to collaborative research and development. They encouraged their engineers to work in open spaces, fostering spontaneous idea exchange and cross-pollination of knowledge. This collaborative environment led to iconic innovations like Gmail and Google Maps, solidifying Google's position as a tech powerhouse.

Similarly, take Jeff Bezos and the early days of Amazon. He assembled a passionate team of like-minded individuals who embraced his audacious vision of an online bookstore. They weren't afraid to challenge convention, experiment with ideas, and support each other through inevitable setbacks. This collaborative spirit not only propelled Amazon beyond just books, but it fostered a culture of continuous improvement that still defines the company today.

These are just two examples of how a collaborative spirit fueled by shared goals, open communication, and mutual respect can catapults organizations to success. By harnessing the power of "we" instead of focusing on the limitations of "I," teams can tackle any challenge, navigate uncharted territories, and ultimately realize their full potential.

Even a club like High Flyers wouldn’t have been possible if people wouldn’t have come together to collaborate, and make it a reality. Any milestone, small or massive is achieved faster with collaboration. The team collaborates every day, every week to facilitate running the weekly meetings and work on the club’s success, your success. So, let us practice collaboration every day, in our personal or professional goals, and watch how your dreams transform into reality.

resilient leadership:

move ahead with determination

15 January 2024

Adobe Stock Image

Martin Luther King Jr.'s profound statement, "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward," encapsulates a timeless truth about leadership. At its core, this quote underscores the leader's trait of resilience and unwavering determination. Leaders often encounter challenges and setbacks on their journey, and King's words serve as a poignant reminder that the path to progress may involve adapting one's pace, but never losing sight of the ultimate goal. The ability to persevere, even in the face of adversity, is a hallmark of effective leadership. Whether flying, running, walking, or crawling, the essence lies in the commitment to forward motion, embodying the leader's steadfast resolve to overcome obstacles and lead their team toward positive change.

Moreover, King's words emphasize the leader's responsibility to inspire and guide others through difficult times. A true leader recognizes and respects the unique strengths and challenges of their team members, fostering an environment where everyone can contribute to progress in their own way. In doing so, the leader cultivates a sense of unity and shared purpose, ensuring that the collective momentum toward a common goal remains unbroken, regardless of the pace or method employed by each individual.

High Flyers mission resonates with King’s wisdom. Inspired by his words, we are dedicated to developing individual strengths and collaboratively improving weaknesses. We believe in fostering an environment where every member, regardless of their pace, contributes to the collective journey of progress. Wishing you a journey filled with continuous growth and shared triumphs


An effective trait of a leader

01 January 2024

Adobe Stock Image

Fast thinking and decisiveness stand as indispensable traits in the arsenal of effective leadership. Leaders are frequently confronted with complex and time-sensitive decisions that demand swift and precise responses. The ability to process information rapidly and make informed choices sets the tone for successful leadership. Most leaders make a decision with 70% of data available. 90% would be a better deal, but by then, the competition would have responded. In dynamic and unpredictable environments, quick thinking enables leaders to navigate challenges with agility, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve. Moreover, decisiveness is the hallmark of a leader who instills confidence and trust in their team. When leaders make prompt decisions, it fosters a culture of efficiency and responsiveness within the organization, driving progress and adaptability. If a leader makes slow decision, or worse, cannot make a decision, the whole team slows down and the entire organization has to pay the price.

Leaders who exhibit fast thinking and decisiveness are better equipped to capitalize on opportunities and address crises with poise. Their capacity to analyze situations swiftly, consider various perspectives, and make timely decisions empowers them to steer their teams toward success. In an ever-evolving landscape, where change is constant, leaders who embrace fast thinking and decisiveness not only navigate challenges effectively but also inspire confidence among their team members, fostering a proactive and resilient organizational culture.

At High Flyers, we train individuals on faster decision making by constantly practicing with business case studies, role playing as a C level employee, and impromptu table topics. We welcome you to join us in a meeting to experience the High Flyers advantage.

Wishing you good luck and great heights of success. Go High Flyers!

new year Resolutions:

Is “self-discipline” on the List?

20 December 2023

At the dawn of each year, we find ourselves formulating fresh resolutions. These commitments instill hope and a steadfast belief in our ability to attain our objectives through dedicated effort. Starting fresh in a new year seems like the perfect time to make positive changes. This belief that life will get better motivates us to pursue our goals. However, the question lingers: how enduring is this motivation? Alarming statistics reveal that a mere 12% of individuals persevere in adhering to their new year resolutions until results materialize, leaving a staggering 88% to surrender their aspirations.

We all start with the same enthusiasm for our resolutions. What sets the successful 12% apart, is discipline. Inspiration may not strike every day, but what sustains the triumphant few is unwavering discipline. Discipline involves the ability to consistently follow through on commitments, stay focused on tasks, and maintain a structured approach to work toward desired outcomes. So, let us make self-discipline our number one resolution this year. The other goals will seamlessly align. So, if you want to acquire leadership skills, or learn to code, or start going to the gym to be healthier, or allocate more quality time to yourself, your family, or friends, it is all possible with self-discipline.

Wishing you a Happy New Year in advance and lots of success in pursuit of your aspirations. Go High Flyers!

HIGH FLYERS toastmasters